About the author of this blog

(Published on 02/11/2018)

Name: Jos Verstraten
Born: 1947, Antwerp (Belgium)
Education: nuclear electronics engineer HORTOK Mol (Belgium)
Current residence: Landgraaf (The Netherlands)
Email: josverstraten@live.nl
This blog is written by Jos Verstraten, a Belgian/Dutch author. He wrote his first article on electronics, published in the Dutch magazine 'elektuur', at the age of twenty. From that moment on, writing about electronics has dominated his life. As a freelance-author, as an editor, as an editor-in-chief and as his own publisher. Now that the author is 'retired', as it is called, he is busy writing an electronic blog in Dutch.

His articles with tests of Chinese electronics products are also found on Google by non-Dutch readers, who of course do not read Dutch. From the rather large demand for translations of these articles, this English-language blog has emerged.

All articles on this blog are translations of articles that previously appeared on his Dutch blog 'Elektronica blog van Jos Verstraten'.

The translation is initially done automatically by the algorithms of 'DeepL'. This is a German company that produces translations of unprecedented quality via its 'DeepL Translator'. Afterwards, these automatic translations are read again and adjusted if necessary.

Translating a Dutch article into English by a Dutchman is of course never of the same quality as a translation by a professional translator or a native Englishman/American. The author hopes that the readers of this blog will take this into account.